These songs are the dance of the Creative Source translated in sounds:
Track 1 - Let your heart smile,
Track 2 - Sense your body,
Track 3 - Surrounded by sounds!
Track 4 - Fluid, Pure Soul,
Track 5 - Connecting the Source,
Track 6 - Deliver the Moment!
Track 7 - Vibrational Expression,
Track 8 - At Art!
speaks for me. It talks about the process of creating Music at the
moment, without linear thinking, or judgment. It is beyond any conception of composition. My heart catches the feeling, I observe
and am conscious of
the sensations in my body. Then, the sounds manifest!
I experience that my soul is free, connected with the Universal Source.
I am alive at the present moment. There is no past or future. The whole
life exists there, at that moment. All times are on One Unique moment.
Everything manifests as vibrations. Vibrations build and create form.
I just observe. This is Art!